JUNE 2024

Hello MFS community! Is this thing on? I think it is.

It’s mid-year, and last time we had a little chat about goals and where we’re at in life, I thought I’d drop another check-up - on all of us.

So, genuinely, how are you? I know I’m your vocal coach, but friend next. I want to know how work is for you, anything new happening in your life? Any restaurants you’ve recently tried that you’d like to share with me? New life changes? Any life goals you’ve been nailing or maybe taking a step back from? I took a step back from running because my Achilles needs rehabilitation and I sprained my big toe.

So yeah, okay let’s dive into that real quick. I sprained the ligament between my big toe and under my bunion. I didn’t even think it would make such a huge impact, but I can’t curl that region of my foot (trust me, I’m getting somewhere here). I can’t hike, run, or do lunges nor downward dog (if I did, I’d have to be extra careful). Before this injury, I’d run on average 15 miles a week, with one of those days probably between 4-6 miles. Now I can’t even run, or I’m forcing myself not to run; instead, I’m building more strength and finding more ways for me to move.

But how crazy is that? One injury on a tiny ligament or part of the body, and it affects the whole being. I thought about this for a long time, and maybe this will resonate with some of you. There are so many little things that happen in our lives; sometimes it’s a huge life event, and it sets our goals back. But like my injury, I’m not choosing to be idle and not work out at all; I’m looking for alternatives. In the same way, sometimes the possibility to carve time or look for inspirations to sing is almost non-existent. But we have to understand that as creatives, it’s an OPPORTUNITY for us to create. We don’t take that for granted.

Falling into the trap of a mindset that “you’ve lost it,“ “I’m too old,” or “I’m busy with life and family” is very human of us, but we have to dig deep and recall sparks of life while we were creating. How did it feel when you went on your first open mic? Wrote that first single? If you’re a parent, how did it feel when you saw your child perform on stage for the first time, and regardless of how they did, you were proud of them because they showed up?

The key is to SHOW UP every day, for yourself - to keep the spark and find little pockets to balance your art and life, and never take for granted that your art, your voice, is a gift. Whether it’s through singing lessons or vocal lessons, every step you take is a step towards growth and self-expression.

Let’s show up this June in full bloom!

Remember, whether it's singing lessons or vocal lessons, every step you take is a step towards growth and self-expression. Let’s keep nurturing our creative spirits and inspiring each other along the way.

Miss Nicky


Mid-Year Reflection: Let's Tune into Our Musical Journey Together